Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Unforgiven...forsaken...rusted and sacrifice...I have lost the will to live, simply nothing more to give...
By the way...
Who writes lyrics for system of a down?!?
"I cry when angels deserve to die"?
What an idiot!!!"I die when angels cry"
That's more like it...
Angelic tears I saw today of pure love and passion...
Is it ever fair for an angel to cry?
If I could promise you this, I would...
Never will you cry again...except if you want to water a bamboo plant that finally has grown a flower with your sweet happy tears.
But I can't, cause this world is the way it is...and the people who are in love the most have to sacrifice that perfection for a small someone who needs better odds...odds...screw odds...
I can promise you this though...
If you ever have to cry...I promise that I'll always be here to catch every tear on my knees and hold you tight to comfort...with arms wide...wide open...
I love you and I always will...
I'll never be with anyone else...
I found perfecton with you...
Never to be felt in any other arms...never to be tasted in anyone else's tears...
Just hold me now....OK?Let's make that enough for now...
I love you...


Blogger GraY FoX said...

perfection is your love
nothing compares to you i guess
the best in writint lyrics
and the best of understanding
just like ur understanding of life
just like ur understanding of me
you are amazing
you are perfection

2:54 PM  

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