Saturday, April 29, 2006

I'm dead
your gone and I'm dead
don't let me die
come back come back come back
7abibi who's taken your spirit
who's done this to you
I'll kill whoever broke my baby
oh God
why are you doing this to me
why are you doing this to us
we finally found our true purpose and now you've fucked us
dear God
take me away
take my life
you already did
you killed me
don't do this
don't do this
have mercy on me and hold me
oh God
I can't live without you
I can't I can't
just let me die in the only way i'm still alive, physically
my soul is dead
my spirit is gone
my heart has stopped
my brain has shut down
i can't hear
i can't taste
i can't feel
i can't smell
i can't see
i can't be
i'm gone


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