Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Circumstanse circumstance circumstance...
A 19 year old works her ass of all year to maybe make the honor list in design this year, worked so hard towards her goal of becoming great, working so hard after she let herself down a year before, failing to work and just plane failing.
And the BOOOOOOM...
Hypotietis A kicks in
Bed confined waiting for the sun to rise, not to get better, screw illness, just to figure out what is to become of her project and her hard year of hard work.
I know I have so many people on my side, even the professor of the dreaded subject...
And I know everything will be fine, in my head, logically, even in my heart...
Still seems fuckin' unfair though
peace out
sighnin' off...

Monday, May 08, 2006

emily rose

Sitting in a dark theater, watching a young girl on the sreen suffereing,
her screams, if that is what you can call them, are so real, so deep.
A horror movie you might say?!?
I was terrified going in, terrified sitting there, terrified watching a rigid body frozen in a freakish position, screaming, wailing at a loved one, terrified of that pain...
I walkeout relieved and somewhat on the road to some inner peace.
Watch this movie, but be careful to look past the hollywood effects and the horrible sights...
be careful to get the idea,
grasp it by a thread and follow it to what might be the road to your peace and salvation...'
seek salvation...
I know am...